Cancer Screening
Resources and pathways to support people with a learning disability, families, carers and professionals.
AAA screening Health Quality Checks, North East and North Cumbria
Skills for People with support from the Network and screening team have completed a health quality check of the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening programme. This was carried out by people with lived experience of Learning Disability.
The full report including key findings and recommendations is available here:
North East and North Cumbria AAA Screening QC Report April 24
Bowel Cancer Screening and Breast Screening Health Quality Check Combined reports for the North East and North Cumbria
Following on from the co-production project we are please to share the bowel cancer screening health quality check combined report and the breast screening health quality check combined report for the North East North Cumbria Integrated Care System.
The reports includes recommendations for all bowel screening centres and breast screening centres that will help improve the services they provide for people with a learning disability and other groups who struggle to access health and social care.
If you have any comments or would like access to the Bowel Cancer Screening or Breast Screening Health Quality Check tool kits contact [email protected]
Bowel Cancer Screening – Health Quality Check – combined report
Breast screening – HQC – combined report
Social care providers guidance and resource pack
Updated May 2022
This resource contains information on best interest decisions and the mental capacity act, a check list, action plan and resource guide.
Patient Screening Information – Easy Read Formats
Public Health England have produced easy read patient information for the following cancer screening programmes.
To access a copy please click on the appropriate programme from the list below:
Books Beyond Words have updated the easy guides for breast, cervical and bowel screening as well as having a colonoscopy.
For free downloads go to Free downloads — Beyond Words (
Bowel screening flagging for people with a learning disability
The How to guide describes how to set up bowel screening flagging for people with a learning disability. It gives a clear process to follow and discusses challenges and limitations. This document includes the updated consent to share information advice.
How to guide: Improving bowel cancer screening for people with a learning disability using flagging
Cancer Screening – Support for people with a Learning Disability
Public Health England have recently released national guidance to help breast screening providers support women with a learning disability access their services.
This blog post highlights this guidance and provides links to easy guides for breast screening and cervical screening for women with a learning disability: Supporting women with learning disabilities to access breast screening