Tackling Diabetes

The North East and Cumbria Learning Disability Network is working in partnership with the Northern Clinical Diabetes Network, Skills for People and other relevant stakeholders on a Tackling Diabetes work programme.

Type 2 Diabetes Skills for Living Course

We worked with partners across the region and developed a 6 week reasonable adjusted structured education course for people with a learning disability and pre-diabetes or a type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

The aim of the course is to support people with a learning disability to;

  1. Understand the nature of type 2 diabetes; causes and consequences
  2. Understand the importance of effective self-care to via effective engagement with medical support, healthy eating and exercise
  3. To understand the importance of good mental health and an effective support system to sustain long term diabetes management

The course is delivered by a specially trained facilitator and peer facilitator(s) (person with a learning disability).

The Type 2 Diabetes Skills for Living pilot report and 2024 evaluation reports can be found in our resources section below.

For more information please contact:  [email protected]

Reasonably Adjusted Type 2 Diabetes Review


Below is a film that shows a reasonably adjusted Type 2 Diabetes Review, to better support and empower patients with a learning disability to have meaningful and person centred reviews:

Diabetes Prevention

We are working with partners across the region to ensure people with learning disabilities are able to access accessible information around diabetes prevention.

We have developed an online Keeping Well for Winter programme which tackles some of the broader issues around diabetes prevention. Keeping Well for Winter has 5 main areas, healthy eating, moving more, staying safe, staying connected to others and feeling good about yourself. You can find out more information about the work here.

We are working with the provider of the National Diabetes Prevention Programme to ensure information provided is accessible for people with a learning disability.