Annual LeDeR Learning & Sharing Events
In November 2022 we had our LeDeR Learning & Sharing Event for the North East North Cumbria Integrated Care System. The day was split in to 5 chapters:
- Health Inequalities for people from Black and Minority Ethnic communities
- 24 Years of Life Worth Living
- Autism
- The Life of Clive Treacy
- It’s Everybody’s Business
The following films were commissioned were developed for the day.
24 Years Life Worth Living – this film highlights that on average people with a learning disability are dying 24 years sooner than that of the general population from preventable causes.
Reasonable Adjustments – this film highlights the difficulties people with a learning disability and autistic people face when reasonable adjustments aren’t in place.
It’s Everybody’s Business – this film highlights how it is all our responsibility to ensure people with a learning disability and autistic people have good access to health and care services.
The output from the day has been used to form the LeDeR NENC ICB work plan.
Please see our resources section below.