LeDeR Confirm & Challenge Groups

Stop People Dying Too Young Group

The Stop People Dying Too Young Group are the North East Confirm and Challenge group in relation to the LeDeR programme. They are integral to the North East and North Cumbria LeDeR Steering Group and their role is to:

  • Confirm and challenge the North East and North Cumbria LeDeR steering group
  • Support the work programme of the North East and North Cumbria LeDeR steering group
  • Develop and progress their own improvement initiatives that improve the lives of people with a learning disability and reduce premature mortality
  • Promote the work of the group and raising awareness of the LeDeR programme

They have made this film about their values when they work on the LeDeR programme.

They have also made this powerful animation in response to the latest LeDeR Annual Report for 2022.

More information about the group, the work they do and their responses to previous LeDeR Annual Reports can be found here.

Cumbria Confirm & Challenge Group