The North East and Cumbria Learning Disability Network has an extensive work programme around improving the uptake of flu immunisation in people with a learning disability and their families / carers. We work in partnership with our network members to achieve this.
People with a learning disability are in a clinically at risk group and entitled to a free flu vaccination as outlined in the National Flu Letter here. As reported through the Learning Disability Mortality Review Programme here, people with a learning disability are dying 27 years sooner than that of the general population of a preventable death. One of the highest contributing factors to early death in people with a learning disability is respiratory illness.
Flu Myth Busting Films
For the 2020/21 flu season we worked in partnership with the Keeping Well for Winter team and developed a series of flu myth busting social media films aimed at people with a learning disability.
Importance of the flu jab and Annual Health Checks
2. Who should get the flu jab?
Who should get the Flu Jab? – YouTube
3. How do I get the flu jab?
How do I get the Flu Jab? – YouTube
4. Why do I need to get the flu jab?
Why do I need to get it now? – YouTube
5. Can the flu jab give you flu?
04 Can it give you flu? – YouTube
6. Does the flu jab hurt?
05 Does the flu jab hurt? – YouTube
7. How do I help others stay protected from flu?
06 How can I help others? – YouTube
Children and Young People
We continue to work with stakeholders across the Integrated Care System to improve the uptake of flu immunisation in people with a learning disability. This includes:
- Sharing information and resources with North East North Cumbria Parent Carer Forums
- Sharing information and resources through the Learning Disability Matters for Families website
- Working with the regional NHS England NHS Improvement Public Health team in regard to the enhanced offer of all children with a learning disability up to age 17 who attend a SEND school being offered a flu immunisation in school
- Working with the Integrated Care System communications team on the regional #DoYourBit to produce some materials aimed at parents / carers of children and young people with a learning disability
We continue to monitor the uptake through the NECS RAIDR Data Dashbaord and provide monthly regional data to our stakeholders. Through this we have been able to track our regional flu uptake data since 2016 which has increased year on year.
- Winter vaccination comms plan adults 2023-24
- Winter vaccination comms plan 2023-24 Children & Young People
- Importance of Annual Health Checks & Flu Film
- Who should get the flu jab? Film
- How do I get the flu jab? Film
- Why do I need to get the flu jab? Film
- Can the flu jab give you flu? Film
- Does the flu jab hurt?
- How do I help others stay protected from flu? Film
- NHS England Learning Disability Autism Flu Page
- Children & Young People with a Learning Disability – 5 Reasons why you should vaccinate against flu