Learning Disability Primary Care Diamond Standard Health Pathways

Aims of the Learning Disability Diamond Standards in Primary Care

  1. To improve communication for people with learning disability across primary care;
  2. To improve the experience for people with learning disability across primary care;
  3. To improve quality of life for people with learning disability;
  4. To promote seamless primary care support and reduce variation in services;
  5. To reduce health inequalities for people with learning disability;
  6. To reduce premature mortality of people with learning disability;

Providing care and support for people (children, young people and adults) with a learning disability requires commitment to strong principles and a firm value base. These principles and values underpin all the Learning Disability Diamond Standards in Primary Care.

A firm value base for all professionals working or interacting with people with learning disability must include respecting their:

  • Individuality & identity
  • Rights
  • Choice
  • Privacy
  • Independence
  • Dignity
  • Respect
  • Partnership
  • Citizenship